
Welcome to my site. My name's Blurry. I'm a clique artist.

Here's some stuff I like:

I collect gemstones, bones, and fossils.

my blorbos <3


10/24/23: Site created

11/6/23: Twitter feed added

11/7/23: Art section added

3/1/24: Gallery page added

7/9/24: Site revamp

7/9/24: Gallery page removed

more about me

Hey, it's me, the thing that made this site. Like I said before, my name is Blurry. You can call me Blur or Blurryface too. My pronouns are he/they/it/voi/blur, no preference on which ones you use really.

What am I exactly, though? I'm a creature, simply put. An entity, if you will. Weird void goop animal.

I've been a clikkie for almost six years (I joined early Trench era) at this point as of writing this, and I mainly draw clique art but I've written a few fics and have an overly complex and long-running AU called Rebel Red.

Besides drawing, I also like making kandi bracelets and the occasional plush. My commissions are always open, so check them out (if you want).

here's some of my art (and clyde)